From the idea of the watch
to the creation of the manufacture

– From dream to reality –

I was working in the watch industry but I could not find the watch I was dreaming of.

Style, boldness, audacity, I wanted a watchthat reflects my personality and my values.
A Taliswoman symbol of Life – Harmony – Spirituality
A watch ticking with my feminine rhythm. I could not find it, I had to create it.
In 1994, I decided to create a watch, a silent mentor empowering women to reach the sky. I had to do it, it was a mission, a passion for me and for my sisters all over the world.


Jul 11

IPT : DELANCE, a socially responsible company

IPT : DELANCE, a socially responsible company

IPT : La formule gagnante pour des résultats durables Créée par des entrepreneurs en 1972, IPT est une fondation de droit privé, d’utilité publique et sans but lucratif. Elle est active dans l’insertion, la réinsertion et l’orientation et accompagne les personnes dans l’évolution de leur parcours professionnel. En tant que partenaire national, la Fondation IPT…

Nov 26

DELANCE to WIR Expo Zurich

Nahed, Giselle et Tatiana à WIRexpo 2022

DELANCE participe to the WIRexpo 2021 in Zurich. Verschiedene KMU-Netzwerke stellen sich vor und vernetzen sich in der anschliessenden Power-Networking-Session

Mar 20

DELANCE is celebrating her 25th anniversary

Daisy, Golduhr mit Gravur, Gold Armband, bemalte Perlmutterzifferblatt, 4 Diamanten

To celebrate its 25th anniversary, the Floralia collection, an ode to spring, hope and rebirth, will be launched on the first day of spring, March 20, 2021.

Feb 14

DELANCE “Ocean” collection

Ondine: Genie of the Waters, a personalized Delance watch Ocean collection

A highly symbolic DELANCE watch collection DELANCE has created a collection of engraved, jewelled watches inspired by the mighty ocean; at times gentle and calm, at others strong and powerful. Each watch in the ‘Ocean’ collection reflects the spirit of each woman as embodied in her own personal ocean. Created individually by artists who are…

Jun 01

Schmetterling im Wind – Lady to watch

Schmetterling im Wind - Lady to Watch, Schmetterling im Wind

Feb 24

Covid 19 and DELANCE story

De mère en fille la transmission des valeurs

Oct 01

Giselle Rufer Delance has attained the degree of competent communicator issued by Toastmasters International.

Toastmasters International - be s story teller

Giselle Rufer Delance has attained the degree of competent communicator issued by Toastmasters International. Giselle Rufer Delance is a passionate and spontaneous lecturer with an inspiring and typically feminine way of life. She takes us to a world where courage and resilience overcome all obstacles. She communicates her enthusiasm and tenacity with humor and spirituality.…

Jun 01

DELANCE Swiss Watches member of WEConnect International

Jun 01, a new site is ready, a new site is ready

Jan 01

DELANCE The Watch for a Lady is now 20 years old

The Delance, a sign of recognition for women who rock for all women

Feb 17

DELANCE in China

Avoir une Delance correspondait à un voeu de longue date. Aujourd’hui, j’ai reçu ma Delance, et je suis très heureuse de mon choix. L’emballage est aussi extrêment joli avec un goût raffiné et on peut le donner comme un merveilleux cadeau.

Dec 17

DELANCE sponsor of the Gazhelvetiques

Les femmes sont en route

Dec 12

DELANCE in London with the TRESTLE GROUP

Les ambassadrices DELANCE

Apr 17

DELANCE creates the “Sakura” collection for Japan

montre femme or Sakura

Feb 17

Giselle Rufer Delance in the USA for “Butterfly in a Storm”

Butterfly in a Storm

May 19

The DELANCE watches for women in China

Cette montre DELANCE "Yin Yang" raconte une belle histoire d’amour. La rencontre de deux mondes, de deux êtres, l’un né en Suisse l’autre en Chine. Ils se sont mariés le 9 avril. Cette date importante il l’a symbolisée pour elle sur une montre DELANCE. Il a choisi un rubis, couleur du bonheur, placé sur le neuf et à quatre heures, une gravure délicate, sublimée d’un diamant et d’un saphir noir, le Yin et le Yang. Les trois diamants au zénith sont leur secret. Discrète, élégante et raffinée, cette montre est à l’image de la femme pour laquelle elle a été créée.

May 19

DELANCE exhibition in Zurich

Dentelle et Satin : Montre mécanique en or (mouvement piquet), aiguilles noires, cabochon en or avec un onyx, bracelet en satin noir

Jun 01

Delance in Asia – A unique watch for elegant women

C’est un grand plaisir d’être la première personne à Shanghai qui possède une montre Delance et un grand honneur d’être ambassadrice.

May 09

Giselle Rufer receives prestigious “Priyadarshini Award” in New Dehly

Laxmi an Indian Godess

Mar 13

Giselle Rufer receives the prestigious Enterprising Women Award in Fort Lauderdale USA

Butterfly in a Storm - Woman entrepreneur - Lady to Watch

Jun 01

The perzonalised collection “Les Précieuses”

Indra: Sunshine and moonlight, a personalized Delance watch Ocean collection

Jun 01

DELANCE is 15 years old

Jul 26

DELANCE – configurator

Mar 26

DELANCE in Basel World

Jul 16

Giselle Rufer receives a Women Entrepreneur Award

Jul 16

Giselle Rufer elected Woman of the Year by the American Biographical Institute

The “American Biographical Institute” awards Giselle Rufer of Delance, the 2005 “Woman of the Year” medal, for her social contribution and professional success.

Jul 16

Delance at Festival du Film Français d’Helvétie

Delance starts sponsoring FFFH – Helvetia French Film Festival – offering a personal Delance to the artists. Zabou Breitmann, Charlotte Masini, Medeea Marinescu, Claire Simon, Camille Varenne, Danièle Thompson and Edna Epelbaum receive a DELANCE watch.

Jul 16

Giselle Rufer receives the Global Women Inventors and Innovators Network award

Giselle Rufer receives the « Recognition Award » from GWIIN (Global Women Inventors and Innovators Network) in Singapore.

Jul 16

Delance offers a watch to Shirin Ebadi, Peace Nobel Prize winner

In the name of Swiss women, Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Peace Nobel Prize winner, receives a DELANCE watch.

Jul 16

DELANCE receives the Golden Idea Oscar 2000 at Zurich Technopark 

At Technopark Zurich, IDEE-SUISSE awards Giselle Rufer the GOLD OSCAR 2000. This higly recognized award is given to Giselle Rufer for the originality of her concept and for her company’s social commitment.

Jul 16

DELANCE, trophy for « Working Woman » in the USA

DELANCE is selected by ‘Working Woman’ as an award for the 8 most creative women entrepreneurs in the US.

Jul 16

Sharon Stone and her DELANCE

Sharon Stone wears her DELANCE during an ‘Oprah Winfrey Show’ episode.

Jul 16

Participation à Bahrain Jewellery Exhibition

DELANCE participates in the ‘Bahrain Jewellery Exhibition’ for the first time.

Jul 16

Delance is rewarded with the « Golden Award for Quality »

DELANCE receives the 10th Annual ‘Golden Award for Quality’ in New York.

Jul 16

The « Petite » DELANCE

The « Petite » DELANCE is adorable. Presented at ‘The Basel Watch Fair’ it has its fans: the elegant and discreet women.

Jul 16

DELANCE is introduced at the International Museum of Watchmaking in La Chaux de Fonds

You can see the Delance watch under the section “Shape Evolution”.

Jul 16

First skeleton mechanical watch, carved and engraved

Delance présente sa première montre squelette.Elle est sertie de diamants roses et munie d’un mouvement Piguet, squelettée par un artiste de la Vallée de Joux.

Jul 16

DELANCE in Copenhagen for the first international congress on corporate social engagement

Jul 16

DELANCE sponsor of the Global Summit Foundation.

DELANCE offers a prize to the ‘Women’s World Summit Foundation”, awarded to a creative weaver from Kuwait: Madam Abab Farhan.

Jul 16

Delance is on the WEB :

Visionary, Delance is one of the first luxury Swiss watch manufacturer on the web.

Jul 16

Giselle Rufer is selected by GENILEM, a foundation supporting young entrepreneurs starting their own business

Genilem, a Swiss foundation who encourages young entrepreneurs starting their own business, supported a female company for the first time. For Giselle Rufer, this is the recognition of feminine excellence.

Jul 16

First participation to Basel World, the most famous watch exhibition in the world

Jul 16

May 2nd: Delance Inc. is founded

Jul 16

Giselle Rufer registered the Name “Delance” based on her father’s name “Fridelance”

Femmes Entrepreneures Artistes

Carol Gygax-Didisheim succeeds with the design following the theme: Life – Harmonie – Spirituality At the center is the diamond shape, the universal symbol of life and prosperity At the zenith, 12 o’clock, is the spiral, symbolic of water, the moon, femininity The stone at 6 o’clock represents the south, the sun, and radiates the masculine…

– Time for Women –